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This is Where Pets Are Found is the hub of our Community & Social Media Service helping Pets find their home.
Lost, Found & Adoptable Pets are shared to social media daily. Anyone can share from our pages to help! You don't need to have accounts left, right & centre tho.
Post your Pet on our site and we share to our networks on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest, Flickr, Tumblr, Digg, StumbleUpon etc. A Pet's page can also be shared to blogs and emailed to your (or your Vet's) contacts to help Missing Pets get Reunited.
We hope you never need us, but please follow or like us on social media to help fellow Pet Lovers in a time of need. Thanks for joining our Community!
#SharingSavesLives #SharingIsCaring #CrowdSearch #SocialMediaWorks #WherePetsAreFound
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