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2 Responses to “#LOST: Seal Point Siamese #Cat – #Puyallup #Tacoma 98372 #WA”

  1. Terri Jerome on May 24, 2016 @ 7:28 pm

    I really think the cat i found is yours, i don’t want to get your hopes up but the cat i found kinda looks like its crossed eyed or lazy eye. He has a funny meow, i can’t bring him in my house because i have 3 cats that don’t go out side. And our neighbors cat try and fight him all the time please let me know if your cat is still missing

    • Hi Terri,
      Thanks so much for contacting us. I have sent an email to Emily, the owner of Porkchop.
      I saw this message after replying to your comment on Facebook; so I’ve asked her to reply to your Facebook comment as well.
      Could you please Private Message me your address on my Facebook page?
      Not here, as when I reply it will be published publicly – Facebook message is safer for your privacy.
      Many thanks for contacting us,

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